Sunday, October 23, 2016


And the winners and awards are.....
  • Black Badge BSides DC
  • A Hak 5 WiFi Pineapple TETRA
  • Several cool stickers
  • WCTF Coin
  • A Hak 5 airplane
  • 2 Alpha directional antennas

  • $50 MicroCenter Gift Certificate
  • Several cool stickers
  • WCTF Patch
  • A Hak 5 Airplane
  • 2 Alpha directional antennas

  • Several cool stickers
  • WCTF Patch
  • Alpha Antenna

Here was are.... day 2 of BSides DC
The current score is below.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

BSides DE First Place winner tells his story!

This week, we bring you another guest post from our players.  This time, the great and powerful Wasabi shares his experience about winning at BsidesDE...

void main ()
So BSIDES DE is the first stop for the new version of the WCTF after it gets a makeover that starts at DEFCON.   There is some tough competition at BSIDES DC so I wanted to get a leg up and get a sneak peek at the challenges.  So I made the short trip up from Maryland and had a great time.  It was my first time going to BSIDES Delaware I really enjoyed the small laid back feeling of the conference.  My team and I thought the trip was a great idea after seeing the DEFCON in-brief and looking at the new challenges.  It became clear I need to step my game up after many things that stumped me like a chump that I will be preparing to beat at the next WCTF.  They are now doing Individual scores as the overall winner.  No teams for now, they are trying this out for a while to see how it goes.  There was no Hide and Seek or Foxes at this conference the square footage did not allow for proper hiding and difficulty.


First I was a speaker at the convention giving a talk on competing in the WCTF.  And even though I was full of good advice I could not even get out of my own way.  I failed to test my gear, I had been using Pentoo for an SDR class I was taking.  I had issues with installing standard and hardened and finally got the dev build to install.  Well at least is was not the night before right.  I even ran BT and used blue_hydra.  But not once did I try anything with Wifi.  Guess where the problem was.  I bet you can't guess.  Ok maybe you can.

Well there is a bug that kernel panics your system when you put your wifi card into monitor mode.  Go figure it literally does this on every single computer in the world except for Zero’s.  So now I’m sitting here at my table having to download an older version of Pentoo to live boot for the competition.  People stopped by to see things after my talk and all they saw was me struggling to get started.  Times ticking and I haven't even started yet.

After flying disks, plenty of “EXTREMELY” encouraging help, and giving up on installs and just going with a live boot I was up and going.  So now some time after 2pm I was rocking and rolling starting on the Wifi Challenges.  I turned in 5 flags for Wifi and got hung up on the last few.  They had been created in such a way that normal scans were not effective in discovering their secrets.  They were just a little out of my scope for now.

There were a few people that came and went that saw my talk some stayed and played.  The CyberRedneck was a very cool guy who also had the hunger for flags and points and I helped him along the way for his first WCTF.  He got third place at his first WCTF.  I might have created a monster. 


 We got in nice and early to get a start on the game enjoying bagels and coffee.  I switched to SDR to try out a few things.  To say I was frustrated was an understatement.  These guys are creative.  Some things are staring you right in the face and you couldn't even tell.  Other times you think you have it and it's a false flag.  Things got a little more serious as more people started to play on Saturday.  So there was definitely a change in pace and stress as I saw another person start to rise up the point list.

So I fell back to Wifi as my strong suite.  The last few challenges were epic to say the least.  After digging through pcaps and a little assistance from Zero he said they may be a little harder than anticipated.  So again I am now scrambling on SDR to get some more points.  I was able to get one flag begrudgingly after having to install more apps on my phone to figure it out because GQRX was not showing me what I needed.  I am still haunted by the music.  Who even does AOL dial up Dubstep?  Why is that even a thing?  I tried for one last flag as time was running out.  But as always I fell into the category of it will not work for me the first time.  I was having software issues and codex problems that had everyone's head scratching.

In the end I was able to hold out and made top score.  I had a great time.  I met some new people.  Learned some new things.  I even met a former San Antonio Spurs player.  BSIDES DE is now a permanent conference on my calendar.  Thank you to the WCTF crew, the BSIDES DE crew,  and the Sponsors. 

We would like to sincerely thank Wasabi for his great write-up of the BSides experience.  We run this game to provide a safe space to practice and test your skills, but above all we do it to share our passion with others.  As Wasabi mentioned above regarding CyberRedNeck, the WCTF is a great place to pass on your knowledge and experience and make new friends.  We sincerely hope the Wireless Village's efforts help keep your interest fired up and maybe ignites a new love in first time attendees and contestants.  Many previous winners, near winners, and people who play have stories just like this.  Please, come in, sit down, play, make friends, and join a welcoming group of your new friends.

Many thanks to our AWESOME sponsors whose generous donations sweeten the pot for our contestants.

-The Wireless Village and Wireless CTF Team

Saturday, October 8, 2016


And the winners and awards are.....
  • 1 WCTF Coin
  • Several cool stickers
  • A Hak 5 airplane
  • A Hak 5 WiFi Pineapple TETRA
  • 4 Alpha directional antennas

  • 1 WCTF Coin
  • Several cool stickers
  • A Hak 5 Airplane
  • Hak 5 WiFi Pineapple Nano
  • 2 Alpha directional antennas

  • 1 WCTF Coin
  • Several cool stickers

Wireless Village at BSides Delaware 2016

Hey everyone, the Village is at BSides

We've had some veterans and some new folks trying the challenges this weekend.  But, remember, if you didn't make to DE there are other up coming opportunities.  BSides DC, ShmooCon.....

It may not be the size or volume of DEFCON, but that is what makes smaller InfoSec Cons so awesome.  BSides is the perfect place for new comers to the signals analysis.  Its easier to approach villages and the learning is very casual.  If you didn't make it here, don't forget BSides DC in a couple of weeks, 10/21-23.

Current scores:

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

WCTF Debrief

In this edition of WCTF blog we welcome guest blogger 0rsu who was a member of the second place team of the DEFCON WCTF challenge.

void main ()
I rolled into Vegas this year much as I have the past four years: miserably hot and already over the idea of dealing with hilljacks in douchetastic mall-chic apparel.  I’m among the fortunate of those going to DEFCON in that I work for a company that I convince (con) into paying my way out.  So, I get here nice and early on Wednesday, and I have plenty of time to get ready to pilfer my weasely black guts out at DEFCON in style.

This is a recollection of a relative newbie, and how with the help of a small team of perfect strangers, we were able to capture second place in one of the most prestigious wireless hacking contests.  I won’t go into too many of the intimate details of the competition, because I’m sure those tricks will be used again.  But within I hope to give those sitting on the sidelines a little insight on why you should definitely compete next year, and what to expect.

A little about me, and how I got to this point.  I have been a general security engineer/analyst for a few years now, after transitioning out of more than a decade-long, aggravating career in general IT, where I put in my time educating the computer illiterate on where to find the Start button, and the difference between a computer and a monitor.  I don’t expect sympathy here.  I know most people reading this have similar tales, or are still neck deep in that hell.  At any rate, I have some experience in security, but it consists mostly of building defensive systems.  I like the attack surface that wireless provides, since it tends to produce less of a trail of breadcrumbs back to the attacker.  There’s just something ninja-like about pulling information literally out of the air.

I came to DEFCON with a nerd-on for SDR (software defined radio), and as it turned out, spent almost zero time working or learning anything about it.  This is mostly because the first talk I went to was in the Wireless Village, where I decided on a whim to sit down and compete in the wireless capture-the-flag.  In doing so, I flipped my usual script of roughly 90% of my time spent in various talks.  I still had a blast, and learned quite a bit.  Because I was competing, I didn’t have the luxury of hashing out the finer points of SDR.  However I managed to open the door to spending the coming year soaking in everything SDR by virtue of my drive to win the wCTF next year.

The Wireless Village at DEFCON, I should immediately point out, consists of every RF-based discipline.  Not just Wi-Fi.  In the context of the wCTF, there is ample time to learn and explore an unknown technology.  That’s half the point in my opinion.  Along with Wi-Fi, there are challenges involving various SDR disciplines, Bluetooth, and this year even a crossover into Wi-Fi-accessible SCADA/ICS systems.  To succeed in at least a few of the challenges from each group is to have come to DEFCON and actually learned a new skill – one that you will probably still remember once the hangover is gone.

The other value in these exercises is the idea of nailing down a technique you might know to some extent, but only ever used it in a limited way, and thus still require a trip to Google to pull it off.  This was where I stood going in with regard to basic techniques like using the Aircrack-NG suite.  Sure, I’d managed to perform a WEP crack before.  But pre-wCTF, even with a gun to my head I couldn’t have completed the steps without a reference.  After a weekend in the challenge, I can run the main tasks of Aircrack-NG about as easily as signing my name.  (Full disclosure, my signature looks like I’m trying to sign with my feet.  While trying to stay afloat in a vat of KY Jelly.  While having a seizure.)

So, in my four previous trips to DEFCON, I have managed to make almost zero meaningful or long lasting connections with other con-goers.  I tend to drift from talk to talk as a wallflower.  There are a few videos to be found out there where I have spoken up in the Q&A, and in one or two cases received applause for my remarks.  But even when someone has come up to me afterward, my anti-social tendencies render me as Teflon as I scuttle off to my next talk, squirming away from the friendliest of people.  This all changed in the span of one morning, as I sat down at a table of complete strangers and got to work.  I initially began the challenge flying under my own banner.  But as I began to trade the occasional comment with the other three at my table, something crazy happened - I started bonding with them.  I made an arbitrary decision to grab some lunch, and offered to grab food for anyone at my table.  The guy and the girl sitting opposite me took my offer, and suddenly and without fanfare, a winning team was born.  That is literally all it takes.  Offer to fetch some pizza, and you too can manage to meet a few good hackers.

My new team, who I will refer by their handles, consisted of rux616 and InvaderTAK, apparently work with each other as CS interns.  This was their first time at DEFCON, and they were jumping in with both feet, doing something it took me five years to break down and try.  I envy their foresight in gaining more value from the con than the handful of talks that would be freely available later anyway.  I would classify the three of us as rookie material – especially at the start of the event.  While we all have technical specialties, it did not necessarily translate well into the contest.  Personally, I spent a good three hours the first day scratching my head trying to figure out why I couldn’t make it past the first challenge.  It was breaking WEP for crying out loud!  I thought I was being fancy by pulling up Fern to automate the task and sat back, only to be puzzled on why nothing happened.  The short version is: don’t just assume the wireless adapter you know and trust has injection capabilities on a new OS build.  Run the stupid Airodump test, even if you think it’s a given.  It was humbling to go half a day into the contest with nothing to show for it.  But after a few speed bumps, I found my rhythm and began turning in challenges.  The other two on my team faced similar troubles getting off the ground, but both managed to start turning in good work.

It is worth telling that capture the flag is an addictive game.  To be honest, the thing that made me decide to drop in to the challenge was the possibility of earning the nifty copper challenge coins they give to those that place in the contest.  Little did I know the prize haul in store this year, including the coveted Black Badge – free DEFCON for life!  After about 24 hours I was somewhat regretting the decision to sit down.  But once you start earning points and seeing your name/team go up in the standings, it’s hard to stop.  My mild case of FOMO was easily tempered by the thought of doing even mildly well in a contest I thought was steeply beyond my expertise.

Without detailing every challenge and every solution, I will just go through a few of my thoughts about the contest.  First, if you have a laptop, you have everything you need to get started.  The only other things I would recommend would be a cheap SDR adapter, and maybe one or two extra USB Wi-Fi adapters (capable of packet injection).  All told, apart from your laptop, you might have to invest $50 in your arsenal.  My next insight is as I have mentioned above.  Talk to people.  Even if it’s not in your nature.  The lone gunman hacker is a nifty persona to emulate, but among tens of thousands of people that are, for the most part, almost begging to include you in their social circle and teach you anything you want to know, it’s worth following the advice you hear pretty much everywhere at the con.  These people are your people.  Trust them (just don’t send any valuable information over the hotel Wi-Fi).  Buy them beer and marvel as the floodgates of knowledge and experience wash over you.

The folks that run the wCTF started their talk in the best way possible: with absolutely nothing approaching reverence or propriety.  These were a few ‘gentlemen’ that clearly were here for the enjoyment of it, and like most people, were eager to pass on knowledge.  They were funny, they were delightfully crude, they were instantly welcoming to all.  While they kept the competitors at an arm’s length for obvious reasons, they were perpetually friendly.  As soon as they began speaking, I registered them in my mind as my kind of people.  During the contest, they were happy to help demonstrate the requisite techniques needed to pass the challenge, and they did so in a positive and laid back manner.

The challenges themselves are fun, and are given mysterious clues.  The types of clues that have you smacking your forehead once you figure them out.  Some challenges are ...more fun for spectators that the person involved.  I tender this GIF of me on the business end of a dog training collar as what was probably a highlight for my teammate with his finger on the keyboard that triggered the collar.

I think I might have wandered into the ICS village for a total of 5 minutes at a previous con, but in this environment I was forced to put myself through a crash course of all things related in order to pass the challenges.  Is knowledge of ICS/SCADA something I will use next week at work?  I highly doubt it.  Will this information benefit me in my career?  It’s very possible.  For those still trying to get their foot in the InfoSec door, I can tell you that the more arrows you have in your quiver, the better your chances will be.  My company doesn’t really do much with ICS, but that’s not to say my CTO will decide tomorrow to roll out a new revenue channel I will suddenly be responsible for securing.  So in the end, I was grateful to learn new skills.

My small team of neophytes managed to progress almost to the top of the scoreboard.  Indeed, I personally came within ten points of the top individual score.  Above us was a large team of engineers from a major network/firewall vendor, who’s collective experience far surpassed mine.  So once it became obvious that they were the Katie Ledecky of this particular race, I respected their knowledge and efforts and congratulated them on their success.  At the same time, I am here to tell you that I will be spending a good part of the coming year learning - sharpening my axe so that next year my team can take down that particular marine-themed monster team and win the entire thing.

And that may be the best part of my experience.  Learning begets learning.  I come to DEFCON generally, not as much to learn, but to be inspired to learn.  This year I did both.  And coming in second, especially now that there is a black badge at stake, I know there will be tougher competitors, and that we will be among them – seasoned and ready for a bigger challenge.  I say bring it on.  I have no doubt that word will spread that the wCTF is an opportunity to score serious hacker cred, as well as a ton of cool prizes and gear.  Next year, my team and I will compete as veterans.  And while I know the competition will be open and friendly as ever, I also know the gauntlet has been dropped.  Next year, it is on like Donkey Kong.

We would like to sincerely thank Orsu and team, not just for this wonderful write-up, but also for exemplifing exactly what we are trying to accomplish.  We run this game to provide a safe space to practice and test your skills, but above all we do it to share our passion with others. We do this in the hopes that we ignite a new love (or rekindle an old one) in our attendees and contestants.  Many previous winners, near winners, and people who play have stories just like this.  Please, come in, sit down, play, make friends, and join a welcoming group of your new friends.

-The Wireless Village and Wireless CTF Team

Monday, August 22, 2016

Another DEF CON has come and gone; however, this year was in many ways spectacular and legen..........wait for it…....dary.  The village once again was a major highlight among the DEFCON CTFs and villages.  But this year carried another amazing triumph.  The Wireless Village was selected as a Black Badge CTF for the first time in its history.  Why does that matter you ask? Because the legendary black badge is one of the most coveted DEF CON pieces of swag EVER!  It gives the owner lifetime access to DEF CON and is the sign of a truly L337 hacker.  The winning CTF team, “Raging Security,” secured one Black Badge for the team and the honor of being the first Wireless Village Black Badge winning team.  Well done RagingSecurity! (or was it RagingPwners.... or was it RagingBoners)

R-L:  Rick, Zero_Chaos, Satanklaws, Antimatter.  (Red Barron behind Satanklaws, just the way they like it.)
Raging Security team at the podium.

This year’s challenges were enhanced by the addition of a full-fledged Industrial Control System (ICS).  This challenge was brought to the Village by Jim Gilsinn.  It brought with it some good hearted debate as well.  Rick was repeatedly chastised for call the system SCADA.  The argument being that it is ICS because it wasn’t managed, a trademark of a SCADA system.  In the end, he triumphed because it was agreed the challenge was an ICS challenge, BUT, once pawned, it became managed and therefore SCADA.

But CTF isn’t all Wireless Village has!!!

The Village’s own Zero Chaos and co-author Granolocks presented, at the DEF CON 101 talks, their amazing real-time Bluetooth device detection tool Blue Hydra.  WOW, was this well attended!!!  The tool is filled with such awesomeness that Hak5 came by to interview these two.  Want to play with Blue Hydra?  Grab a Pwnie Sena dongle or Ubertooth, get the code here on GitHub.  BETTER YET, download Pentoo, it’s already installed (along with tons of other hacking/pentesting goodness).

The CTF competition had 12 teams competing for some awesome prizes.  Speaking of prizes, this year’s sponsors were truly generous to the Village.

First place, RagingSecurity with a score of 5964

  • Ettus Hoodie and Ettus B205 (Courtesy of Ettus)
  • Hak5 Pineapple Tetra and a Hak5 Airplane (Courtesy of Hak5)
  • 3 directional Antennas (Courtesy of Simple WiFi)
  • 3 WCTF Coins, 3 WCTF patches
  • 4 Alfa WiFi  radios, 2 Alfa Holders, and 4 9Dbi Antennas, 2 travel routers (Courtesy of Mr. X)
  • BladeRF (Courtesy of Nuand
  • Pack of stickers

Second place, OopsIGotRoot was a one man team who finished with a final score of 2410.  I also should mention that it was his FIRST Wireless CTF.

  • Hak5 Pineapple Nano & a Hak5 Airplane (Courtesy of Hak5)
  • 3 WCTF Coins and Patches
  • 3 directional Antennas (Courtesy of Simple WiFi)
  • 3 Alfa Wifi radios, 4 9Dbi Antennas, 2 Alfa Holders, a travel router (Courtesy of Mr. X)
  • BladeRF (Courtesy of Nuand
  • Pack of stickers

Third place, DalesPaleAles scoring with 2219

  • Hak5 Pineapple Nano & a Hak5 Airplane (Courtesy of Hak5)
  • 3 WCTF Coins and Patches
  • 3 directional Antennas (Courtesy of Simple WiFi)
  • Pack of stickers
This year also saw the return of Wireless Village swag.  Not just simple swag mind you, but serious swag-a-licous goodies.  Awesome stickers with the Village DC24 Going Rogue logo, SDR and WiFi stickers, and Village logos.  But, the most impressive swag of all is the coveted challenge coin of this year’s con-season.  Custom designed by our own Village member Justin, this coin bears heraldry and symbology of the Village members, our CTF challenges, and our bad attitudes.  A coin truly befitting the most awesome of all CTFs.  Every member of each winning team was awarded these kick ass coins.  WHAT!? You want some of this swag or better yet a coin?  Damn straight you do!  Then come compete in Wireless Village CTF challenges at future cons, like BSidesDC and ShmooCon!

Remember dear readers…………
Not all wireless is RF!
See you at the next Con!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Up next........

Darren Kitchen and Seb Kinne from Hak5.

Both are long time friends and standing supporters of the Wireless Village.

Check out the scores:  

Welcome to the SDR Drinking Game and Shootout!

SDRs, beer and low powered dog shock collars.......
what could possibly go wrong????

Don't forget to check out the awesome speaker list today!!

Come learn SDR!
Bring your gear!!
Pwn some boxes!!!

Friday, August 5, 2016

And the end of day 1 bell has rung!!


The Games Continue at 9am tomorrow.